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The Student News Site of Walla Walla High School

The Wa-Hi Journal

The Student News Site of Walla Walla High School

The Wa-Hi Journal

The Student News Site of Walla Walla High School

The Wa-Hi Journal

Flor Beltran

Flor Beltran, Staff Writer

Flor Beltran is a Freshman at Walla Walla High School. She loves makeup, trying to do hairstyles, food, shoes, and traveling and going places. She also loves taking pictures of anything and everything. She enjoys learning how to play the guitar and playing sports. A random fact about her is she never wears her hair down without wearing a hat.

All content by Flor Beltran
January GO BLUE Winners

[Photo] January GO BLUE students of the month announced

Journal Staff, Staff Writers – Trinity Kiefel, Kiley Curran, Reece Schulke, Soleil Hernandez
February 27, 2019
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