Mr. Schumacher also presented Derek Sarley a GoBLUE certificate and t-shirt in honor of School Board Recognition Month for exemplifying the Blue Devil values of Grit, Ownership, Belonging, Lifelong Learning, Understanding and Engagement. We appreciate your dedication and leadership on our School Board in guiding our school district with the vision of Developing Washington’s Most Sought-After Graduates.
Grade: 9
Nominating Teacher: Heezen
Attributes: Belonging: You are respectful at all times and are inclusive of others.
Comments: Kennadie demonstrates the true spirit of G.O. B.L.U.E. with her determination, responsibility, and positive attitude. She consistently shows grit by pushing herself to succeed and takes ownership of her actions, always striving for excellence. Kennadie’s kindness, respect for others, and motivation to grow make her an outstanding role model for her peers.
Student: Fisher Jones
Grade: 9
Nominating Teacher: Blackman
Attributes: Grit: You have shown grit and determination!, Ownership: You have taken initiative and responsibility for your success!, Belonging: You are respectful at all times and are inclusive of others., Lifelong Learning: You are motivated and have demonstrated growth in one or more areas!, Understanding: You respectfully acknowledge the perspectives and lived experiences of others!, Engagement: You are present, motivated and always put forth your best effort!
Comments: This kid is a stud. Awesome in all levels
Student: Lars Sandven
Grade: 10
Nominating Teacher: Meliah
Attributes: Ownership: You have taken initiative and responsibility for your success!, Lifelong Learning: You are motivated and have demonstrated growth in one or more areas!, Understanding: You respectfully acknowledge the perspectives and lived experiences of others!, Engagement: You are present, motivated and always put forth your best effort!
Comments: Lars had the best score on the AP Human Geography final out of all three classes! He’s a great student who chooses to learn the material, not just memorize, and is proving it by his success in this class. Great job, Lars!
Student: Mather Steele
Grade: 10
Nominating Teacher: Señor Schafer
Attributes: Engagement: You are present, motivated and always put forth your best effort!
Comments: Hola Mather. Gracias por ayudarme a crear el OASIS en aula B-103 este año. Tu participación es muy importante, porque eres un buen ejemplo para los demás. La clase no sería lo mismo sin ti. ¡Felicidades, tú eres el estudiante del mes para diciembre!
Student: Ari Kim-Leavitt
Grade: 11
Nominating Teacher: Ms. Mouat
Attributes: Lifelong Learning: You are motivated and have demonstrated growth in one or more areas!
Comments: Ari is far more interested in learning and improving than in grades, and I was particularly proud of him recently for rewriting an essay even when he knew it wouldn’t change his final grade. It’s refreshing to see that kind of commitment to the process of becoming a better writer. Having Ari as a student reminds me of why I teach.
Student: Dylan Ruiz Soto
Grade: 11
Nominating Teacher: Deanna Perry
Attributes: Grit: You have shown grit and determination!, Ownership: You have taken initiative and responsibility for your success!, Belonging: You are respectful at all times and are inclusive of others., Lifelong Learning: You are motivated and have demonstrated growth in one or more areas!, Engagement: You are present, motivated and always put forth your best effort!
Comments: Dylan shows grit, determination, initiative, and responsibility to his learning in Algebra 2. He attends Blue Devil Time weekly and takes advantage of individual help. Dylan is always kind and respectful to all. Keep up the great work Dylan. I’m so proud of you!
Student: Jesus Rodriguez Perez
Grade: 12
Nominating Teacher: Bertinelli
Attributes: Ownership: You have taken initiative and responsibility for your success!
Comments: Jesus, you really stepped it up this month and got things done! I hope you realize that when you own your challenges you WILL SUCCEED!
Grade: 12
Nominating Teacher: Heezen
Attributes: Belonging: You are respectful at all times and are inclusive of others.
Comments: Alondra exemplifies G.O. B.L.U.E. with her determination, responsibility, and kindness. She consistently shows grit by working hard to achieve her goals and takes ownership of her learning and actions. Alondra’s re

spectful and inclusive nature, combined with her motivation to grow, makes her a role model for her peers.