Student: Jesus Carrillo Nares
Grade: 9
Nominating Teacher: Wise
Attributes: Understanding: You respectfully acknowledge the perspectives and lived experiences of others!
Comments: You may make beats during class, but 1. they are good and 2. you always seem to focus often.
Student: Ellasyn Noack
Grade: 9
Nominating Teacher: Shannon Ahrens
Attributes: Ownership: You have taken initiative and responsibility for your success!, Engagement: You are present, motivated and always put forth your best effort!
Comments: Ella – I appreciate your engagement and hard work! You obviously care about your learning!
Student: Kevin Finch
Grade: 10
Nominating Teacher: Ms. Beemer
Attributes: Lifelong Learning: You are motivated and have demonstrated growth in one or more areas!
Comments: Kevin makes everyone’s day better. He is motivated to learn (and actually seems to enjoy it) :). His attitude is infectious making zero period my favorite class this school year.
Student: Christian Zamora
Grade: 10
Nominating Teacher: Ms. Mouat & Ms. Bertinelli
Attributes: Belonging: You are respectful at all times and are inclusive of others., Engagement: You are present, motivated and always put forth your best effort!
Comments: Christian – We’ve really appreciated how you have stepped up to the plate and entered into class conversations. You always have something interesting and insightful to say and we really appreciate having your leadership in our sophomore English class!
Student: Thomas Sievertsen
Grade: 11
Nominating Teacher: Mr. Michels
Attributes: Grit: You have shown grit and determination!
Comments: Thomas has demonstrated a tremendous amount of grit in his notes and discussion skills in U.S. History and it is reflected through his performances on assessments. Keep up the great work Thomas!
Student: Natali Esparza
Grade: 11
Nominating Teacher: Mrs. Pemberton
Attributes: Grit: You have shown grit and determination!
Comments: Natali demonstrates Grit every single day in Geometry, she comes in every single day ready to learn with her materials, notes and follows along. She has turned in every single assignment and worked so hard to do well on her first Chapter test. She is an amazing example to others in the class. Keep up the great work.
Student: Siarah Buenrostro
Grade: 12
Nominating Teacher: Pemberton/Sallee
Attributes: Grit: You have shown grit and determination!
Comments: Siarah demonstrates life long learning every single day, she is quick to ask for help when she doesn’t understand and this has helped her to continue to learn and understand in the first month of school. She always seems to have a positive attitude and it is much appreciated. Keep up the great work!
Student: Emilee Barnes
Grade: 12
Nominating Teacher: Heezen
Attributes: Grit: You have shown grit and determination!, Belonging: You are respectful at all times and are inclusive of others.
Comments: Emilee fosters a strong sense of belonging by always making others feel included and valued, creating a positive and welcoming environment for everyone around her.